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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Online Shopping for Collectible Items

Online Shopping for Collectible Items

Online shopping for collectible treasures is a popular option, especially in the case of difficult to find collectibles, which are likely no longer in manufacture.  Nevertheless, such treasures can be found everywhere, especially since most people are not aware of what they have.
Finding collectibles in traditional stores means lots of travel time, but using the Internet enables a shopper to locate items more quickly.  You should know however, that even online shopping for a true collectible treasure is not easy.  What you need is a good strategy to help you with finding collectible items online.  We hope that this article will offer valuable information to help you to find and to purchase collectibles online.

Finding Collectibles Online

Online shopping really simplifies life for those collectors who are looking for a specific collector’s item (as opposed to window-shopping).  The only real problem for the beginning collector might be in where to find items within their area of interest.
The most likely place to find good beginning collectors’ items is in places where collectors sell such items.  Popular options here include auction websites, clubs for collectors and message boards for collectors.

Auction Websites & Garage Sales

Auction websites (like eBay) are your ideal online shopping source for great collectors’ items.  Where your chances to find a truly valuable treasure at a collectors store dwindle near zero, the auction sites feature collectibles sold by “just plain folk” who, between life and the thirty seconds they have for pleasure – have little time to research the entire contents of their garage.
This highlights the value of garage sales and auction sites as perhaps the most fertile locations for turning up true treasures for your collection.  Online shopping is certainly less work than visiting garage sales, but you need to do both, if you really have your head in the game.
Whether you collect figurines, war memorabilia, old documents, or antique typewriters, these are all valuable potential finds just lying in the garage of the person who has everything, waiting for you to do just a bit of legwork to find it.
These sites are worth a look for collectors at any stage of the game, but especially if you are a beginner, you need to be getting your share of this booty.  What’s stopping you?

Purchasing Collectibles from Other Collectors

Purchasing collectibles from other collectors is a great resource for beginners looking to open a collection, because they are not looking for the lost jewels of Persia.  Any collector who has any experience in his craft knows the value of what he has – and what he sells.  This means no deals, and no surprise finds – but you will find some great stuff for getting your collection off the ground.
You can use dedicated collectors clubs and message boards to find clubs that are formed for members who enjoy collecting your particular type of treasure, and these often provide for members to buy, sell or trade collectible items.  If you want a local club, your options will be limited, but you should be able to find something in the local phone directory.  For greater options though, you will want to engage in a bit of online shopping.
Beginning collectors should also participate in online message boards where they can interact with other collectors and share their interests.  This can lead to some interesting finds available only to you through a private sale.

Verifying Authenticity of Collectible Items

As a beginner, buying from a collector is the least profitable option, but of course for the experienced – this is where the super great treasure lie.  By attending professional auctions (eBay won’t cut it) you can score just that piece you’ve been hankering for – but you will PAY for it.
Your collection is always limited by your bank account, but when you do decide to splurge, you want to be sure that you know what you are buying – because the experienced collector selling the item certainly will.  Shopping locally is better than online shopping, and shopping at auction is safer than a private transaction – but in ALL cases, you need to inquire as to how the seller will determine authenticity of the item in question.
The answer here is not complicated as it sounds.  Simply put, if you can’t verify for yourself the authenticity, you probably aren’t ready to own this piece – but if you MUST have it, the rules for purchase need to be set right up front.
There is no perfect solution, but consider that if you are really going to pay serious money for a collectible item, then you want to do it locally, as opposed to on line.  You may have to take a plane trip to see the piece– but it is worth it.  This way you can handle the piece and submit it to your own examination – or to proxy examination by an expert if you do not understand the piece very well.
When it comes to collectibles, online shopping has its place – but everything should be held up to the light and examined with a critical eye.  We hope this article has helped you to develop such an eye – and that you are a bit ready now to open your collection, and to build it safely and profitably.
Happy Hobbying!
online shopping
Search here for “Collectible Items”:
Or try specific searches like “Stamp Collectibles, or “Pottery Collectibles” etc.
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