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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

How to Select a Baby Gift

Properly Selecting a Baby Gift

We ask you, what better group of people to buy gifts for than babies!  A baby gift is the perfect gift giving situation, all the way around.  The parents will love that you thought about their precious child and saved them money on diaper bags, bibs, clothes and a stroller, and - let’s face it - the baby will like just about anything that you select for him.
baby giftYou don’t have to wait for any particular occasion, either.  Give the parents a gift for no reason, and they brace themselves for the inevitable request for a favor.  Buy for the baby, and it is enough that you “saw this – and thought it would look just darling on little George”.
The only real concern when shopping for a baby gift is safety.  You can understand that appreciation for your gift quickly evaporates if their darling baby chokes on your gift.  That said, it ought to be obvious, that if you plan to buy for someone’s baby, you must try to be every bit as thorough as the parents themselves would be.
The first consideration when buying a baby gift, it would seem, is who is going to use the gift.  If it is a scrapbook or a keepsake for the baby, then you can present it to the parents without further ado.  If it is small enough for the child to swallow – stay away.  If it is a teddy bear or something large, then you can just give it to the parents and let them decide whether to put it in the pen or not.
Where baby gift safety is concerned, here are a few things to keep in mind:
Never buy teething products, rattles and the like.  Leave this to the parents to buy.  Anything you are going to give a child will go directly into her mouth, so just do not take any chances.  It is terrifically difficult to apologize for killing a parent’s infant child.
The safest things to buy directly for baby would be clothing, perhaps a stuffed animal, or even a car seat.  Items for the baby to explore ought also to be ok.  This means electronic toys, or perhaps an interactive toy that permits baby to press buttons, hear sounds and see lights flashing.  They love it – and such toys are completely safe. 
Where you buy your normal gifts often does not matter.  Just go where you can get them cheapest, but with baby gifts, the scenery changes a little.  You want to observe safety beyond those things that you are likely to consider.  To rise beyond the limitations of your own thinking, you to include need the experiences of others.  Nowhere is this experience more important than when it comes to buying something for a baby.
So, if baby has no experience with the item in question, and you do not either – what should you do?  You should research your baby gift on amazon, and you should BUY it there too.  No system is perfect, but counterfeiting is big business in the baby toy arena, so if there are ringers out there, you need a warning before you spend your money.
The customer reviews at amazon are perfect for this.  You can always buy something that you really love despite the warnings, but at least you know what the score is.  This advantage is too important to give up when it comes to buying a gift for a baby.
So, please play it safe when shopping for a baby.  Put some thought into your gift to understand what you want mom, dad, and baby to get from your gift.  You want to be able to report to mom and dad that you did your homework at amazon, and all reports were strong ones.   Your goal is to choose a gift that is fun for baby, useful for the parents and SAFE to leave in the crib unsupervised. 
We have one last thing to discuss.  Once you have decided on a baby gift, you might check the archives here at Sincere Product Reviews to see if we have reviewed the gift, or something similar.  This will reduce the likelihood that you have overlooked anything.
Ok, it looks like you got homework to do, so we will let you get to it.
Have fun, and happy shopping!
baby gift
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